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Writer's pictureHøck Sheng


Updated: May 11, 2023







  1. 影片类型:访谈?MV?活动跟拍?

  2. 影片要求:4K画质?中英文字幕?航拍?

  3. 影片目的:提升企业形象?还是提升销量?

  4. 影片受众:小孩?家庭主妇?老人?

  5. 影片演员:需要演员吗?要周杰伦还是邓紫棋?

  6. 影片脚本:客户提供?还是制作方提供?

  7. 拍摄时间:有指定的拍摄日期吗?

  8. 发布时间:有指定的发布时间吗?

  9. 发布平台:有指定的发布平台吗?

  10. 初步预算:有大致的预算吗?

  11. 参考影片:有参考的影片链接吗?







  • 脚本创作:创作符合客户需求的影片脚本,制作分镜头(STORYBOARD)。

  • 敲定演员:根据脚本的需求,寻找合适的主持人、网红或演员。

  • 场景设计:确定影片拍摄的场景、布景、道具等,并进行拍摄地点的考察与选定。



Camera, Rolling, action !







当你收到影片,确定没有任何问题之后,便可以向影片制作公司支付尾款,这时你就可以获得高画质的成品啦!影片制作公司一般上会向您提供GOOGLE DRIVE或其它云盘的链接,记得及时下载哦!




如果您正在寻找一家专业的影片制作公司的话,不妨可以考虑BINGYEN STUDIO,除了能够为您提供专业的意见,也会以公开透明的报价、清晰的流程为您打造完美的影片!

如果还有想要了解的地方,欢迎随时联络BINGYEN STUDIO!

The 6 steps of collaborating with a film production company

Are you curious about what the process of collaborating with a film production company entails? When you have a great idea and want to turn it into a video, the right film production company can be your best partner. In this article, we will take you through the six steps of collaborating with a film production company!

1)Communication of requirements:

What type of film do you want to shoot? Short or long videos? Event coverage or product promotional video?

Production companies typically ask these questions in order to provide the most accurate quote:

  1. Type of film (interview, music video, documentary, advertisement, etc.)

  2. Quality, duration, language, subtitles, and specific requirements of the film

  3. Core message and purpose of the film

  4. Target audience (women, men, children, general audience?)

  5. Will actors be required? How many and are there any specific requirements?

  6. Will you provide a script or any material for the film?

  7. Estimated shooting time and location

  8. Expected release date of the film

  9. Platform for release (TikTok, YouTube, cinema, etc.)

  10. What is your approximate budget? (Budget determines film quality)

  11. Please provide reference films (links)

2)Paying the Deposit

If you are satisfied with the quote provided by the production team, you can pay the deposit. A deposit is an important gesture that protects both parties' interests. It shows the client's serious attitude towards the film production and ensures that the production team has sufficient resources to complete the project.


After receiving the deposit, the film production company will start pre-production.

The pre-production work includes:

  • Scriptwriting: Creating a script that meets the client's requirements and making a storyboard.

  • Finalizing Cast: Searching for Suitable Hosts, Influencers, or Actors Based on Script Requirements.

  • Scene design: Determining the filming location, setting, props, etc. and conducting inspections and selections.

Once you have reviewed and approved the script, actors, and locations provided by the film production company, they will work with you to finalize the shooting dates. Once confirmed, you can proceed with the filming and editing steps!


Camera, rolling, action!

If you come to the filming location, you will hear these words. This means that the film production team and actors have started working hard to make the film for you. You can sit next to the director on the set and watch the scenes, or enjoy a cup of coffee while waiting for the production team to complete the filming for you.

After the filming is completed, post-production begins. The editor will cut the footage according to the client's requirements to create a specific atmosphere. Then, using title cards, motion graphics, color grading, special effects, subtitles, etc., the final film is produced perfectly.

5)Delivery of the Film

After editing is completed, the film production company will send a video link (which may have a watermark or low quality) for you to review. If you are dissatisfied with any parts, you can provide feedback at any time. You can convey your modification requirements by taking screenshots or noting the time points in the film, making it easier for the editor to understand your ideas.

6)Final Payment

After receiving the film and confirming that there are no problems, you can pay the final payment to the film production company. Then, you can get the high-quality final product! The film production company will generally provide you with a link to GOOGLE DRIVE or other cloud storage for you to download the film.

Collaborating with a film production company generally involves these six steps! By understanding the production process in advance, you can complete satisfying work more smoothly in the future! If you are looking for a professional film production company, consider BINGYEN STUDIO, which not only provides professional opinions but also offers transparent pricing and a clear process to create the perfect video for you! If you have any questions, feel free to contact BINGYEN STUDIO at any time!

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